Marie Julia Bollansée
Belgium, °1961, lives and works in West-Malle

Marie Julia Bollansée’s work is about people, their lives and deaths. The physical is a constant factor in Bollansée’s videos and performances, as she was trained as a classic sculptor. She plays the role of observer, translating age-old human themes into images that we can all relate to. Her performances bring the everyday but often hidden forces into the light. Her photo installations create fields of tension between primary materiality, poetry, and aesthetic images. In her performances she's fascinated by the chemical reactions caused by unexpected interactions and collaborations. “I try to detect the chemistry between people and to formulate this in my work so that viewers become more aware of their humanity. I want to expand the frontiers of the perceptible. I’m convinced that people urgently need to see and understand the essential, but too often invisible, motives and sources in today’s society.”



 Artist's website & CV : http://www.mariejuliabollansee.be/